Congrats! on making your first step towards being a leader in the tech industry
Our Courses will prepare you towards being an outstanding champion in your area of interest be it Web Development, Mobile App Development or User Interface/ User Experience (UI/UX) Designs.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Jquery, Intro to Backends; PHP, Nodejs, .NET Core C#, SQL, MongoDB
Flutter / React Native
Tools: Figma / Adobe XD
Javascript, React/Vue/Angular
PHP Laravel / NodeJs Express / C# .NET Core
Database: SQL (MySQl) / MongoDB
All courses goes for a flat disounted Fee of 45,000 Naira
Duration: 3 Months
With Intensive Practice and Real Job Experience
We provide Guidance and placement services too.
By asking you few question, getting to know what you already know, your interests and aspiration, we will advice you on what best to start learning.
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